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External Validation

DSAT Consultancy Ltd services include External Validation (ExVal) to the Defence Systems Approach to Training (DSAT) Quality Standards (QS).


The ultimate purpose of training is to produce an individual who can do the job for which he/she has been trained.  Theoretically, the conduct of a job analysis and the production of a job specification and/or Operational Performance Statement (OPS) should ensure that the Training Objectives reflect the requirements of the job (recognising that the limitations of what can be achieved in the training environment). 


However, most jobs are liable to change and job analysis is not infallible.  ExVal thus attempts to ascertain the impact that training has had upon individual performance in the workplace (in relation to the prescribed OPS).  In effect, ExVal is used to determine the continuing validity of course Training Objectives measured against the standards of job performance. 


Defence Systems Approach to Training ExVal

ExVal Process


ExVal is conducted in 2 stages:


  • ExVal Stage 1 - Stage 1 is applied after students have completed a training course and have had the opportunity to apply what they have learnt in the workplace.  All formal training units are required to implement ExVal Stage 1.


  • ExVal Stage 2 - Stage 2 is a tool which explores specific aspects of training that require further, and in many cases, deeper analysis. Expertise in the use of many of the techniques and skills available for validation purposes takes time and effort to acquire. 


When conducting an ExVal it should be recognised that factors other than training will influence job performance.  These factors may include working conditions, management policies, personal circumstances and individual motivation.  The main task of ExVal is to determine the relevance of the training to the job and, if necessary, to separate its influence on job performance from any of these other factors. 


Our consultants have the knowledge, skills and attitude to identify all issues through a thorough ExVal analysis process, the report will provide organisations with information that will enable them to make informed decissions regarding adjustments to training, it will also include findings and recomendations that will assist in making changes in a cost effective and efficient manner.


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