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Course Design

Nowadays it is cost effective and efficient for the MOD to sub contract TNA and Course Design/Instructional Design to the Original Equipment Manufacture (OEM) as part of an Integrated Logistic Support (ILS) contract. OEMs don't tend to have a training development capability within their organisations, consequently they often sub contract course design to companies such as DSAT Consultancy Ltd. 


Our course design experience is second to none; to the extent that collectively our small group of select consultants have designed over 200 different courses. In addition we have implemented course design processes and procedures into both Military and Civilian organisations.


Course design ensures that the training is focused with a definite purpose such that the operational need is met. The package helps ensure that management, instructors and trainees have a clear understanding of what trainees are required to learn, and what is expected on completion of the course of training.


Course design using systems approach to training

Course Training Package Contents


DSAT Consultancy Ltd have the capability to develop DSAT compliant Course Training Packages (CTPs) for the courses that OEMs are contracted to develop, the CTPs may contain all or some of the following:


Instructional Scalars


An Learning scalar is the first stage of the Course Design process. This should be hierarchical in nature and detail all Training Objectives (TOs), Enabling Objectives (EOs) and Key Learning Points (KLPs).


Learning Specifications (LSpecs)


LSpecs are produced from the Learning Scalar and assessment strategy.  Each LSpec usually contains the details of the Enabling Objective (sub task of a TO) and associated Key Learning Points, method and media selected, time allocated, resource requirements and essential references.  The lesson to be delivered and all the information needed by the instructor to deliver training, along with structure and sequence of instruction.


The main purpose of the lSpec is to standardize the delivery of training, i.e. what is taught and how it is taught.  The use of such a document has a number of benefits:


  • It ensures the material taught is based on the TOs and therefore assists trainees in the achievement of the TO.

  • It provides instructors with details of suitable methods and media, so the material is delivered in an effective manner.

  • It helps ensure consistency between instructors and different courses.

  • It saves instructors preparation time because they have a comprehensive document that should be easily used, even by new staff.


The LSpec forms part of an audit trail for the DSAT training requirement.  Properly managed and reviewed, the LSpec helps ensure that training is conducted effectively in support of the operational need and ensures the uniformity of training standards.

Instructional design using the Defence Systems Approach to Training





The assessment folder contains the assessment strategy, specification and maybe the testing documents:


The Assessment Strategy (AStrat) stipulates:


  • Test conditions

  • Test standards

  • Consequences of failure


The Assessment Specification (ASpec) stipulates:


  • Test type (formative/summative/practical/theory)

  • Test scheduling within a course programme

  • Length of test


Practical Marking Guides:


  • Criteria behind the test (standards to be achieved)

  • Practical assessment description

  • How assessment are to be conducted

  • Pass/Fail criteria


Theory Assessments


  • Formative (assessments during the course)

  • Summative (final assessments)

Block Syllabus/Course Programme


The block syllabus or course programme as it is commonly known represents the most appropriate sequence of instruction, based on careful consideration by course design personnel. Wherever possible the Course Officer should follow the suggested programme. It is, however, an ideal solution and adjustments may be deemed necessary for it to fit within the regimental timetable. 

Course Design Training


Not only do we offer course design as a service but also as a course to organisations intending to establish their own internal capability.






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